Friday, October 26, 2007

Chin's and cabinets

I wonder if I can remember how to attach a photo of my new, partially installed cabinets. Hm.... Well, look at that, would ya! Aren't they gorgeous? And just wait until they have their stunning hardware installed.
I should have jet lag all the time. I can drink coffee all day and eat chocolate in the evening and still fall asleep the minute I hit the bed – or before. Last night I even stayed asleep until 6 AM – which is 1 PM in South Africa. And I would say I'm pretty perky today. Or at least as perky as is normal for me.

More Asian food was in order along Bluemound Road as we hit Chin’s Wednesday night. What a busy restaurant, considering that I previously didn’t even know it existed. There were many families with small children having dinner here. The inexpensive children’s menu ( a choice of four items each for $3.95) may be the attraction.

There is no ambiance to speak of at Chin's. It is a cold, bare place decorated with easily cleaned surfaces. It’s one of those places at which you could run a hose over everything at the end of the day. Including the bathroom, which I must admit was as clean as any I’ve visited on Bluemound. I would classify Chin’s menu as "Asian fusion." There are dishes that the menu reports are from Thailand, China, Vietnam, Japan and other Far Eastern locales. There are chopsticks on each table. This pleased The Man Who Likes To Show Off His Eating-With-Sticks Skills. I, personally, do not see the point. I can mess up a t-shirt using a fork.

As you walk to the counter to order your meal at Chin’s, there is a sign with instructions about how to go about this. The last sentence declares, "Forget the tip." Sweet music for tightwads.

As I’ve noticed often on Bluemound, there are a number of beers offered here and only two glasses of wine, each of the $3.00 variety. I had a Spotted Cow ($3.25), which, unfortunately, was served to me in a plastic glass. We are eating breakfast and lunch off of paper plates and cups at our home-sans-kitchen right now. It would be nice to be able to return to civilization when dining out. The Diet Pepsi Man poured himself his usual beverage-of-choice.

We shared an order of four Potstickers ($4). These were delivered to our table with our main dishes and were not even close to hot. Potstickers are small pancakes wrapped around some chicken and vegetables and pan fried. The best I could say is that the sweet sauce on them was tasty at any temperature. Without the experience of having eaten here before, The Man and I both thought the stir fries sounded interesting. I ordered a Chicken and Vegetable Stir Fry and chose the Mandarin Orange Sauce to go with it ($6.95). This comes with plain rice, but I decided to substitute the Ten Ingredient Fried Rice for an additional $1.25 – and was glad I did so. My Man ordered the Pork Stir Fry with Teriyaki Sauce ($6.95) and brown rice. Both of our dishes were edible, though mine was very short on chicken. It reminded me of our recent Delta Airline food – if that gives you an idea of the quality. The Fried Rice was better. I will be polishing off the rest of it for lunch tomorrow.

Kitchenless in Brookfield

1 comment:

tubeworm said...

Put a patent on found the cure for insommnia! All it takes is a trip to South Africa...and you can sleep - maybe even standing up. And since insomnia is a curse for seniors - this is THE solution: travel and a cure. WOW... may need to be repeated and may become addictive with trips to Antarctica? China? the MOON?
But get a patent now...

By the way: the kitchen looks delectable especially if you keep the cupboards bare ...