Friday, September 28, 2007

It’s Monsoon Season on Bluemound

Actually we haven’t had enough rain in Brookfield to keep my garden happy. I should be out there comforting the chrysanthemums, but I have all this eating and writing to do.

I fell behind on this blog-writing, because I had to get out the newsletter for the Waukesha County Land Conservancy. And do so without ending up in divorce court. The Man Who Loves Weird And Difficult Computer Programs Like The Printer’s Program, Quark, is also The Man Who Cannot Spell or Punctuate. I, on the other hand, would rather shoot myself in the head than sit and watch The Man move a title over .1 millimeter or create a vertical block in which to write a photo caption and check out what it will look like in 62 different fonts. But if I don’t watch, The Man would never put a period at the end of a sentence. I am not making that up. He actually glares at me when I tell him that the caption, “Tom touches Tina’s tush,” is a complete sentence and must have a period at the end. (This sentence does not actually appear in this newsletter.)

This issue of the Land Letter is now in the hands of Lithoprint. There was no divorce this time, but yesterday chose to go out to lunch with our attorney – just to keep him at the ready...

We lunched at the oh-so-classy Monsoon. I got there early to check out the ladies facilities. Wow! This one is way nicer than either of my facilities at home. I even noticed the beveled edge on the granite countertop and the gorgeous earth-toned floor tile. I’m SO hip about the latest trends in decorating. If you go to Monsoon, use the bathroom. You might want to bring your camera for future remodeling ideas. No... maybe not...

What a great place to go for lunch. The reddish wood tables, gold walls, the wall-mounted waterfalls, the really cool, oriental-styled cloth covers on the light fixtures, all add up to a stunning, modern atmosphere. Though the Emperor’s Kitchen may be more authentic-ly Chinese, both in style and menu, it is one big, characterless room, while Monsoon is beautiful.

Though not quite as exciting as Bonefish’s menu, it is fun just to read Monsoon’s menu. “Orange beef: Stir-fried beef with a succulent orange sauce over julienne vegetables.” That one is $13. Some of the meals have a price for lunch and one for dinner. The Grilled Salmon Salad, which I’ve eaten here before, and love, has goat cheese (yum), pecans and mandarin oranges, is $8 for lunch and $11 for dinner. I’ve also previously ordered the appetizer of Crab Rangoons, wontons filled with crab, cream cheese and spices and served with a mango dipping sauce for $8. Are these actually Chinese foods? Perhaps the wontons... So if you care about authenticity in your ethnic food, Monsoon isn’t for you. It reminds me of PF Chang’s menu.

I ordered the Chicken, Cabbage, Onion and Cilantro Spring Rolls with a Black Bean sauce ($8). It was to die for! Three large spring rolls, crisp and hot, with a delicious sauce and served on a chopped salad. The Attorney Man I Was With had barbeque shrimp, a ample portion of shrimp in a somewhat spicy barbeque sauce that he said was exceptionally good, served on rice. I think it was $10, but, I’m a lousy reviewer. I was so busy sucking up my Spring Rolls, I failed to notice.

Meanwhile, back in my kitchenless house, my bamboo flooring was just delivered. (By the cutest, curly-haired young guy - gee, this remodeling stuff is fun. Tubeworm, he reminded me of your eldest son.) The dry-wall guys will finish their work today – I have walls! And the flooring will be installed on Monday and Tuesday.

If you remodel your kitchen, call Cabinet Werks. They see to it that there is always someone ‘werking’.

I am having so much fun going out to eat every day, I almost wish the project would slow down. (I didn’t say that, Mike.) Tonight we will dine with good friends at Carrabba’s. Maybe that’s why I’m so pleased with this remodeling project right now. This reviewer is at a classy part of Bluemound Road's restaurant scene.

Kitchenless in Brookfield

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