Saturday, September 8, 2007

this WAS the kitchen

1 comment:

tubeworm said...

It would be a shame to fill this space again with a kitchen, don't you think? just a kitchen, that leads to all kinds of the usual stuff: shopping, planning, chopping, heating, cooking, washing up, and, and. oh, yes, eating. But eating is soo cool On BLUEMOUND....who would want to go back to the old way? AND WE WOULD MISS THIS WoNDERFUL, HILARIOUS, BLOG? NO WAY!
Let's put our heads together and find a new use for this "former-kitchen-space"

How about a gym for Abe? well, you could use it too while Abe isn't around? doesn't a giant slinky covered in fabric sound great? My kids used to have one(in the stone-age), or a pole hung from the ceiling to do whatever on? the whole room padded and soundproof so one doesn't hear the wailing and aching (of whatever adults are in there)... and lots of paint pots to freely sling around and "express your inner self"?

Bet everybody has ideas. So, come on, chime in before it's too late and cupboard are nailed to the walls and cooktops appear... and all the tridgery of "meals" commences...
