Friday, September 7, 2007


I am getting stuffed from eating my words. I may actually have to rave about a fast food establishment. Okay, so “rave” is a bit of an overstatement. Still, it’s quite shocking. I thought our meal at Subway was good.

The Man Who Foots My Bills By Working, Instead Of Retiring, Like Normal People Would Do had a meeting to go to last night. Thus our dinner could not be our usual affair at which we chat intellectually about the important issues of the day while leisurely sipping our wine. No, it was to be Subway, the fastest of the restaurants in the next shopping center as we headed east on Bluemound.

Walking up to the counter to order, what should I see but a printed nutrition list! Right there where you order your food. And whole grain bread choices for any sandwich. Gee, Todo, we are not in KFC anymore. It appears that this restaurant chain uses an emphasis on “eating fit” as its marketing ploy. How unique.

I settled on a Subway Club sandwich on honey oat bread. It comes with ham, turkey and beef slices, atop which I chose lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber slices, olives and red onions from the raft of sandwich toppings. My honey mustard dressing was one of the many fat free selections. The whole thing was ample and pretty darned tasty.

The Man With The Happy Wallet And Full Tummy did not over-extend either his calorie or his food budget here. The Wallet forked over a total of $11.11 for two 6" sandwiches, a small bag of chips and two 16-oz soft drinks. As for calorie cost: my sandwich contained 320 calories, The Man’s Cold Cut Combo blew 410 calories. Could be worse.

There is no al fresco dining possible here, which is a good thing, considering the location amid shopping mall. My ladies room trip found the toilet flushing when I went in and it continued flushing and flushing... As for cleanliness, no one had scrubbed in the corners – ever, but I’ve see worse (KFC comes to mind). My advice: use the bathroom at Panos’ across the road.

One goes to fast food for convenience, not ambiance. Still, I would say generally Subway was reasonably clean, light and cheerful, and the food was tasty and perhaps even healthy. Even the patrons looked fit – with a couple of exceptions...

That would be the two who are
Kitchenless in Brookfield

PS: Exciting kitchen demolition photos soon!

1 comment:

The Happy Gardener said...

Drink wine and have an intellegent conversation? Is that what grown ups do at dinner? Ellen you always inspire me that there is life after kids and someday I will not eat mac'n cheese and discuss the latest Sponge Bob Square Pants episode for fine dining.

Your accross the street neighbor!