Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Isn’t it amazing the number of chain restaurants there are? And how many of them are on Bluemound Road? Mr Picky Eater was not thrilled about eating at Chipotle, as he said he’d been to one of these joints before and didn’t like it. But then his daughter who eats out often, said it was one of her favorite places. So The Man agreed to give it another try.

At least we figured out what it is about Chipotle that The Man doesn’t like. It’s the tortillas. He doesn’t care for those rigid, pre-cooked corn tortillas, but he also doesn’t like flour tortillas that are not fried to a slightly crisp texture. That’s how I cook them at home (when I have a kitchen, a stove, a frying pan, olive oil and a dishwasher at my disposal). At Chipotle, they put the flour tortillas in a sort of steam heater, so they are warm, but floppy. The Man thinks his wife-of-German-descent knows better how to cook tortillas than the people-of-Mexican-descent who prepared his meal at Chipotle.

Inside his raw, floppy tortilla, The Man had a pork and bean burrito and I ordered the tacos (both $5.75). My taco order included three small tacos in which I tried three different meats. The pork was best. The beef was way too hot (spicy) for my whimpy taste buds, and the chicken was dry and boring. I also had them slather on some fresh tomato salsa, some of that tasteless, white Mexican cheese (queso), sour cream and lettuce. In his burrito, The Picky Man ordered pork, beans, cheese, and the hot salsa (after the server assured him that, heaven forbid, the hot salsa didn’t have any funky cilantro in it). He had a large Diet Pepsi for $1.50; I had a Spotted Cow beer for $3.50 – because, of course, they had no caffeine-free diet soda. If it weren’t for the raw tortilla, The Man said he’d have enjoyed his meal.

I want to send you a picture of my stunning kitchen, but I’m waiting for the painter to finish his magic and for the appliances to fill in some rather obvious holes in the cabinetry. Tune in next week for views of the finished product!

Kitchenless in Brookfield

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