Sunday, November 4, 2007


We met Old Friends at Fuddrucker’s on Friday night. These are the same Old Friends who joined us for dinner some weeks back at George Webb’s. And the same Good Old Friends who have had us over for dinner twice during the kitchen remodeling project, giving The Tightwad's wallet a much-appreciated rest.

It was burger time again. Fuddrucker’s purports to have the world’s best burgers, and I’m here to tell you, their burgers are mighty good. But even more alluring to me is the fact that Fuddrucker’s actually serves a caffeine-free diet cola! Yippee! That’s a first for Bluemound Road establishments, I think. It will be a definite draw for me.

The ambiance at Fuddrucker’s is the friendly-sounding, noisy buzz created by lots of kids, but not so deafening you cannot converse with your Old (or new) Friends. The tables are granite topped and the place is attractive, with old photos on the walls of 50's and 60's heros from the sports world and the entertainment world. To attract the families and keep the kids from driving their parents nuts, there is a game room with pin ball machines and other such attractions. Another plus: the bathroom was clean! What a nice surprise. And there wasn’t even a lot of old ladies’ drool on the floor around the photos of Elvis decorating the walls of the ladies’ room.

At this purveyor of Big Beef, you can order a 1/3 lb burger, a ½ lb burger, and, believe-it-or-not, a 2/3 lb burger! That’ll make your arteries stand right up and salute. I ordered a 1/3 lb. Black and Blue Burger ($5.79) that grabbed my attention with the words, "blue cheese." My refillable Caffeine-free Diet Pepsi was $1.99. The Man ordered his 1/3 lb burger with Three Cheeses, an order of fries and his Diet Pepsi in a trio deal for $8.90.

We had barely settled in at a table when our buzzer called us to pick up our food orders. How amazing that they can get all those burgers done to order in just minutes – and on a Friday night when the place was running on full. We all agreed: the burgers are delicious. And the fries were wedges of potatoes, spiced well and served HOT.

This is one place to which we will return when we’re hungry for a good burger served quickly. I think I’d rank this the best burger and the best fries on Bluemound. Not to mention, the only place on Bluemound with My Kinda Cola.

I realize that I do sound much more cheerful than in my recent entries on this blog. It’s the company. We always have a great time visiting with our Old Friends. And this time this Old Friend Who Has Great Taste had a fabulous idea for how to mount my daughter’s tiles on the backsplash in my new kitchen. I was agonizing, not sure I liked how they looked. She studied the problem and figured out that the tiles look better not mounted singly on each wall. I am much relieved – and grateful. Thank you, Dear Friend.

The backsplash should be done being installed by the middle of the week. Drop in and see it when you’re in the neighborhood.

Kitchenless in Brookfield

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