Monday, August 13, 2007

Bun and Thigh Machine

This message is really not about edible stuff, like rolls and chicken legs. It's about a piece of exercise equipment in my basement in a box I need for packing kitchen stuff. Really. I actually own a Bun and Thigh Machine. The wierd thing is that neither The Man Who Plays Tennis For Exercise nor I have a clue how it came to be in our house.

The mystery began a number of years ago, when it appeared on our doorstep. I said, "Did you order this thing?" "No," The Man asserted, "You must have." "What kind of masochist do you think I am? I wouldn't order such a thing," I insisted. I had no recollection of ordering a Bun and Thigh Machine. And then.... Well, maybe a faint recollection... Late one night, during an insomnia attack, maybe, just maybe, I just might have seen something on the internet... Anyway, now it's years later, and the padded metal monster is still in its box in our basement storage dump.

As I said, I needed the box, so I opened it. Inside is a receipt showing some sucker, using my credit card, paid $89 for this supposedly amazing Bun and Thigh Machine. I wondered aloud why we didn't return it. So The Tightwad Who Wants To Nag Me About Buying Stuff I Don't Use went on line and found one today at WalMart for $29. "Put it together and I'll use it," I assured him.

The problem with My Man is that he will actually DO what I ask. He put the darned thing together. I read the instructions. That's when I noticed that you have to sit on the floor to operate it. With my bum knee, up and down from the floor itself is a challenge. But there was NO WAY I wasn't going to use that sucker. With a great show of painful effort, I got down and rocked my buns and rocked my thighs a few times, while The Man read, "It says you only have to do it five minutes a day." FIVE minutes! Fortunately for me (and for our marraige), his scheduled tennis game tonight took him -- and his wrist watch -- out of my house after about 30 excruciating seconds.

Some odd kettles, an omelet pan, a waffle iron, an asparagus steamer, now occupy The Bun Box.

Still not
Kitchenless in Brookfield

PS: I added a couple of photos of my kitchen as it looks today. I didn't figure out how to add them to this posting, so you can see them next to yesterday's blather.

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