Friday, August 31, 2007

How did I post those photos?

I am going to try ONE more time to post that photo of my spiffy shelf, before I must pack to go to our cottage for the long weekend. On this blog site, there is a place where I can click on "post image" and then find the photo in my computer and then click "post it" -- all of which I did yesterday. Don't those seem like very good directions? If only they worked. And if only I had the techie-brain that remembered how I did it before -- but I don't. And Techie Man Who Plays Sheepshead On His Lunch Hour will not want to be disturbed by such a phone call just when he has all the jacks -- or is it the queens? I'm equally talented at games, tools, and computers.

Okay -- here goes my last attempt. If you ever get to see this photo, you will notice the gorgeous shelf unit next to my plastic one. That shelf The Man Who Knows How To Use Tools built, and is where I usually show off my daughter's fabulous pottery (see Now his shelf functions as storage for the wine and raisin bran (life's necessities) on which we will live for the next couple of months. Whether you get the photo or not, I'll return to post a note on Tuesday -- and then the restaurant reviews will begin in earnest on Wednesday.

Still operating on Zicam and aspirin and anxious to be
Kitchenless in Brookfield

1 comment:

blythe spirit said...

You must get done quickly with this project, because that new shelf is not acceptable! Yeesh! And, what's with not knowing what an Allen wrench is? I think your are purposely playing the fool!

You know we love you.
