Tuesday, August 14, 2007


We didn’t eat dinner on Bluemound – yet. My kitchen still functions. But we did have frozen custard at Kopp’s. The Man Who Doesn’t Write But Likes To Kibbitz thought I should practice. "This is al fresco," he offered. "Yep", I agreed. The humidity was a clue. "What do you think of the ambiance?" I inquired. "My vast readership will want to know." "Overlooking a shopping center parking lot and illuminated by plastic signs," he noted. I think I’ll refer to that in future reviews as TBRA – Typical Bluemound Road Ambiance. Additionally, the table was gooey (that’s official restaurant-critic terminology).

Kopp’s dessert menu is not extensive – four flavors every day, two of which are chocolate and vanilla. But the quality of the custard makes up for that deficiency. Can anyone top Kopp’s flavors? Not in my opinion. I had a scoop of mocha chip custard, brimming with dark chocolate chunks in that creamy, yummy custard melting so fast (while dining al fresco in 81 degrees at 9 PM), I almost had to drink it. The Man Who Thinks Fat and Sugar Are The Basis Of The Food Pyramid had caramel cashew custard – 2 scoops, I might add – and didn’t feel the need to speak to me while savoring it. Obviously this flavor of frozen custard does not fall into his "funky" category of food.

This is only my opinion, but if you want vanilla frozen custard, go to Gilles’. I grew up (to the extent that I did) in Wauwatosa. I went to Hawthorne Junior High School, from which my girlfriends and I would walk to Gilles’ for dessert. I consider myself an expert at frozen custard. You want vanilla – and there’s nothing better – go to Gilles’. You want flavored custard – go to Kopp’s. (My Man asserts that I never allow lack of knowledge to stand in the way of having an opinion. So you might as well get used to it.)

Just so I could inform my readers, I checked out the ladies room. Whew. It was a hot, busy evening. There is no way that the help could keep up with the sticky kiddies washing body parts that one wouldn’t think they could get ice cream on. Toilet tissue was everywhere, and if you touched the button to turn on the hand dryer, you’d want to wash yourself again.

My recommendation: by all means eat a scoop of your favorite custard at Kopp’s. Unless you have small, sticky children, use your bathroom at home. You all know of course that Kopp’s has a web site on which you can check out the flavors of the day. I have a friend who never misses chocolate peanut butter chocolate. My opinion (again): peanut butter belongs in sandwiches.

PS: I have received the suggestion that I should ask for guesses (or bets) on how far east on Bluemound I will get before my kitchen is done. (Sometimes I will go out for breakfast or lunch with friends, which I will also count, if we eat in the next place on The Road.) Care to place your bet? Name the last restaurant I will eat in before the kitchen is done. Whoever is closest will be the first to join us for dinner in our new kitchen. The guy who suggested this thinks we’ll get to the stadium! YIKES! That’s a LOT of restaurant meals to be funded by The Man Whose Wallet Creaks When Forced Open.

Soon to be
Kitchenless in Brookfield


Fay said...

My favorite Kopps Custard is Tiramisu. It is offered 3 times in August. It will be one of the flavors of the day on August 23. We will be there.

Can't wait for more reviews. Especially looking forward to the review of the "Old Country Buffet" or "Old County BARF FAY" I will give you a pass on this one. Anyway, it isn't directly on Bluemound.

Mike said...

Oh my god, if you make it to the stadium, I'm really in trouble!