Wednesday, August 15, 2007


I love that some of you are commenting, either here on my blog or on my email. It’s lonely navel-gazing alone. I understand that to leave a comment on the blog, you have to sign up. This will not cost you anything. My understanding is that it is Google’s way of monitoring responses so my blog is not filled with trash from strangers. Just trash from me, my friends and family.

Response to some of your comments: Fay, we will call you when we get to Yokoso Restaurant. I’d never heard of it till you commented on it favorably. We’ve been to Japan, where The Man Who Considers Most Food Too Funky To Ingest, was somewhat challenged not to starve. He finally made himself a rule that he’d eat anything that didn’t look at him: that is, no eyes. So sushi became possible. I know he wouldn’t normally choose Japanese cuisine here, but he accepts that this isn’t a choice. Besides, he’d go anywhere to eat with Fay and Fay’s Man.

Clarification of The Rules: if the restaurant has a driveway off of Bluemound Road and can be seen from Bluemound, we will eat there – in order, going east, starting at Goerke’s Corners. With one exception – since I make the rules. We will not be eating at Chucky Cheese’s, unless one of you can convince me that you NEED my review of this noisy, children’s establishment. Unless we go while The Four Year Old Grandson is visiting. And the restaurants to be visited must serve full meals. So we are not required to eat at every ice cream parlor and coffee shop.

As we head down Bluemound, if any of you would like to join us in the next spot or one in the future, let me know. I’ll add anyone else’s opinions to the restaurant reviews – if you’ve eaten with us.

To Kate in Texas: I will live for weeks off your high praise of my writing. Thank you!

To Neighbors J & R: I’ve recorded your bet. Thank you too for the compliment.

Here’s my latest "recipe" for Sandy, who requested some:

Have you heard of Broncho Bob’s Raspberry Chipotle Sauce? It’s delicious. Can’t remember where I had it, but loved it and have been searching for it since. I found it, of all places, on Amazon. They just shipped me 3 bottles. Here’s the big recipe: pour it on cream cheese and spread the concoction on a cracker. Eat. Yummy!

When you stop over for wine on the deck while I’m sans kitchen, we’ll sample some, though it's probably even better with gin and tonics. Or those vodka martinis a neighbor has been teaching me to drink. I'm a slow learner; we may have to practice some more.

Still not
Kitchenless in Brookfield


mother of the grandkid said...

The grandkid and his parents will be visiting in less than a week, and we are united in our desire to join you on your Bluemound odessey, though we will NOT go to Chuck-e-Cheeses, even if the grandkid might possibly like it. Young minds and stomachs need to be protected at least a little bit. I want to see you on the Buns and Thighs master WHILE you're drinking a vodka something-or-other! Now THAT would be exersize!

mother of the grandkid said...

By the way, I, for one, will not miss the wall of plastic brick!